
[[emo]] J2MS For Life

About Me

i'm salina i'm 13 goin on 14.and YES i am Mexican i go to fort miller where i'm currently an 8th grader. i like to hang wit all my friends. i like to read. i like to write. and i like to listen to my ipod til the battery runs like DUH i lovemusic. I liek hanging out with my friend. Most of em anyway haha.I post alot of bulletins i guess. but mainly surveys and like random sh_t. i dO nOt TyPe LiKe ThIs. its annoys the F_CK out of me when people do that. well yeah thats all for now. message me if ya wanna know me more.
Name CrazySalinaReneeSkye
Gender Female
Age 14
Location Fresno, CA
Ethnicity Hispanic
Interested in Men
Status In a relationship
Music rock baby
Movies horror
TV none
Books twilight, new moon, speak, 13 blue envelopes, lisa bright and dark
Quotes "dont try to judge me i am who i am not who you want me to be" "staring out my window like a mindless zombie. what im looking i know not." "i may be crazy but at least i kno how to have fun" _CrazySalina

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Registered Sep 17, 2007
Last update Sep 19, 2007

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